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Meet Me at the Mexican Restaurant
“Let’s take a picture.”
This was my response when realizing we were sharing a family moment. Our family is no longer an ordinary family.
Aunt Joan
My Aunt Joan died last weekend. Although her death wasn’t a surprise, her absence has left a hole.
Dying Alone
I’ve always had a comfortable relationship with time.
When asked to name a positive attribute about myself, this typically comes to mind. However, I don’t always say it.
Instead, I give another answer that is true but fits more neatly into the expected answer box.
It Started With a Proposal, Hypothetically
Two people walk into a bar.
Both dressed in formal holiday attire, they order Cadillac margaritas.
The woman is wearing a short black sweater dress with a drop collar exposing her shoulders.
Running Through the Years (Part 3)
Through our 30s, with a daily whirlwind of backpacks, field trips, and daycare, Kristi, Angy, and I continued our 5:30 a.m. morning runs. As working moms with kids of the same age, these runs were equally therapy as exercise.
Field of Dreams
I wrote this story in 2012 about my family’s 2002 CWS experience. The story was published in the Omaha World Herald on June 27, 2012. The College World Series will always hold a special place in my heart and my boys.
The Back Nine
“Look, Steamworks is over there!”
This was the third time we made this observation as we directed our cart to the beer station. With five kegs on tap, Steamworks, a favorite local restaurant and brewery, provided the Girls Gone Golfing with this free fairway treat.
NEVER Go on a Blind Date
I sat in my car waiting to go into my gym on a stormy fall night in Omaha. The rain pounded the pavement the cracking of lightning filled the dark sky. I was on the phone with Garrett, who was at the time, my friend from Denver. This was in late October 2009.
And Sandy From Omaha Requests…
“In 2009 when I first met my Colorado husband…” was how I began my song request.
The concert was here in Durango and the band was a favorite of ours from Omaha. Thrilled to have my two lives from two different cities converge, I signed my request sheet “Sandy from Omaha”.
Postpartum Blues
My youngest child, Grant Russell Lane, was born on April 14, 2000. A highly negotiated third child, my husband thought two was a good number whereas I was insistent on three. Grant came into the world loved by all. The baby of our family. Born after an easy labor and with a great disposition that has remained with Grant into adulthood.
This Dress Has a Story
I started this story about a dress in 2014. It was actually a story about two dresses. Dresses of different prints, but with the same accessory, which led to my obtaining dress #2.
As things happen with me in writing, I jotted down a draft of this dress story while it was fresh on my mind. Then time moved on and I never finished the story.
Garrett, What’s a Hike?
One of Garrett’s favorite stories to tease me with was my (purported) question to him “Garrett, what’s a hike?”
That is his recollection. Mine is a bit different. I remember asking “Garrett, what kind of a hike are we going on?”
Red Boots are Universal
“I love your boots”
This is a comment I had grown used to hearing since the purchase of my red cowboy boots in 2005. I hear it from friends, strangers, and comments on social media posts when wearing them.
Own Your Shit
A few weeks ago, my previously favorite blog subject (otherwise known as my middle son, Ben) called me for advice. The reason isn't significant now, but his approach to the conversation carried weight with me.
"Mom, I need your advice on something….
Peace Out
So Baby has graduated. Yes, it is true. The last Lane boy birdie to leave the nest. And the weekend has been nothing short of a whirlwind of events, from baccalaureate to party to commencement. All in about a 24-hour span.
A Boy and His Dog
A boy and his dog.
I have thought of this phrase often observing Zach and his brothers with their dog, Jimi (the Hedrix version of the name). Although I have always loved this sweet dog, he was not mine. The boys' dad added Jimi to their family shortly after we divorced. But it didn't take long to fall in love with this amiable canine personality.
The Odd Couple
Stealing a phrase from a friend of mine; 'we have a situation' at my house. I live with Felix and Oscar. The Odd Couple. For those of my age and older, you completely understand of whom I am referring. For those younger and confused, check with your friend, Wikipedia.
A Grandma Lost
Grandma Gib would have been 96 years old yesterday. With our age spread of exactly fifty years, I have always remembered her age with ease.
Football 101
I am just the mom. Ben shakes his head when I confuse football positions and show weakness in the X's and O's. He believes I don't know much about the game. In all actuality, I know a lot.
Ten Things You Didn't Know about Me
In response to the current Facebook folly of listing a number of things people don't know about you, here is mine. This was way too tempting as I have enjoyed reading everyone else's over the last few days. My ten in no particular order...