10 Things I Love about Grant

I published this story in 2012 when Grant was a tender 11-year-old. We were on a mom-son trip to Arizona. Today is the day before his 23rd birthday and I will pick him up at the Las Vegas airport this afternoon. I thought it was a perfect time to resurrect this story. The years have changed us in looks, but Grant’s spirit is still wonderfully the same.

Sandy Lane 4/13/23

Grant and I just got back from a weekend in sunny Phoenix. I would describe it as a ‘weekend on a whim’ and was nothing short of fantastic. With all of my travels, Southwest Airlines has not only deemed me as an A-lister, but they have also issued me the coveted Companion Pass. Basically, I name my companion for a year and then my named companion can accompany me for free anywhere that Southwest flies. Grant is my free travel companion for 2012. The only restrictions are that Grant flies for free only with me and when a seat is available. 

With Ben out-of-town on a Europe trip with his classmates, I noticed an activity-free weekend in Omaha for Grant and me. We decided to capitalize on our travel opportunity (and free Companion Pass) and go on an adventure. Phoenix was our first choice full of sunshine and warmth, and with plenty of family and friends to visit. We boarded the plane with no specific plan. I made plans to meet our Phoenix family. We were looking forward to spending time with people we love. My only goal was to come home with a weekend adventure that exceeded expectations.

As I reflect on the weekend with my eleven-year-old, I am reminded of the ‘Grantisms’ that I love the most. Too often during the course of our daily parenting, we put too much focus on ways to improve our kids. Although it is our role to teach and set an example, the byproduct can be spending more time reminding them of their flaws rather than their many strengths. 

I am sitting next to Grant on our flight home with a smile and a head full of memories from a great weekend. Putting thoughts to paper (computer), I wrote about ten things that I love about Grant Lane and were highlighted on this trip.

10 Things I Love about Grant (in no particular order)

  1. Sense of adventure - As we went to retrieve our rental car, Grant begged me, "Please, Mom...no mini-van!"  I had teased him that I was going for a PT Cruiser (which I actually got as a rental in Vegas once...true story). I quickly was apprised that there was an abundance of convertible Camaros, of which I could upgrade (Manager's Special) for an extra $30 for the weekend. Sold! Grant missed the conversation as he waited in the seating area. He immediately wanted to know what car we were assigned. I proceeded to tease him about undesirable options as we walked to the garage. The look on his face was priceless when he saw our muscle car. Regardless of having his mom in the driver’s seat and not having a clue where this car was going to take us, Grant was ready and excited for our forthcoming adventure. No questions asked. Cruising top-down in the cool Camaro all weekend was a highlight of our trip. It didn't matter where we went or how chilly it got, he and I were enjoying an open-air, fast-car adventure over the Phoenix byways.

  2. Love of family - Grant loves to spend time with family. Watching him interact and enjoy the company and comfort of our extended family is heartwarming. He understands the gift of this tight circle and is grateful for his many cousins, aunts, and uncles. 

  3. Small things bring great pleasure - It doesn't take much to make Grant happy. Past the car and family, he so enjoyed our random outings. One highlight included eating at Pei Wei. This Asian restaurant, a step up from Panda Express, had been talked about by a friend of Grant's. "You have to try it, Grant."  When I asked Grant what he wanted to do for the weekend, at the top of the list was to eat at Pei Wei. Another outing that had Grant's captive attention was getting a fitting for running shoes at the Road Runner Sports store in Scottsdale. As I was checking out their new line of Asics on the wall, I eyed Grant on a treadmill with a personal fitter. Ten minutes and a video/graphical analysis of his shoe later, Grant is enjoying every minute of hearing of his unique instep and run pattern.

  4. Great manners - Is there anything better as a parent than to hear your child use their please's and thank-you's continuously and unprompted? From politely asking for his drink on the plane to thanking the cook for the meal on the table, Grant is very generous with his gratitude.

  5. Interacts well with adults - Grant spent not a minute of our trip with anyone under the age of 25. We were with adults the entire time and he never tired of this interaction. Grant is a child who has no problem communicating and interacting with those many years older than him. This is not a trait many kids are comfortable with, but one that Grant excels in.

  6. Doesn't get bored...looks for his own fun - Not once did I hear "Mom, I'm bored" or "What are we going to do?".  Within all of the adult conversations and lally-gagging, Grant just went with the flow. At Aunt Barbara's, he asked if he could draw and then checked out her expansive backyard on his own. As I was chatting and catching up with Judi and Larry, Grant asked if he could go in their hot tub. And he did just that, by himself, later asking if he could have his book to read while soaking.

  7. He loves shoes! - Enough said! See #3.

  8. "I like long flights"  - No complaints about the flights other than my rule-abiding son not thinking his mother turned off her cell phone soon enough at take off or put up her tray table early enough at landing. I do appreciate his ability to interact well with the people around us, communicate directly with the flight attendants, and NEVER ask how long until we are home.

  9. He likes to read - I very much love this about Grant. We didn't even make it on to our connecting flight in Denver without buying "The Hunger Games" book with a plan to have it finished before the movie is released later this month. A child who enjoys reading really is a child who is never bored.

  10. Not embarrassed to still be a kid - Being in Junior High usually comes with obsolete childhood fancies. This is not (yet) the case with Grant. Not only did we spend a good hour at the flea market with Grant trying on every authentic Mexican wrestling mask (and he knew the name of every character), but he had no problem later wearing the mask in our convertible. The zoo was our desired destination for that Sunday afternoon.  A child who has not outgrown the zoo does warm this mother's heart. A fun day!

Thank you, Grant Lane, for being such an awesome traveling buddy. I chose well for my Southwest Companion Pass!


An Unlikely Friendship


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